Introducing Queenja­ Smart Content Services


Queenja recently attracted our attention. The website, offering smart content services is owned by Maya Mey Aroyo, a content writer and an SEO Expert. After spending 3 years behind a computer, working in the media industry, Maya decided to provide a special service for her clients.

What Is Smart Content?

When you order content from a content writer they will ask you if you want your content to be researched, be compatible to search engines (SEO) or be creative and selling. Why choose? That’s the true meaning of Smart Content. The way Queenja works is very simple­ every piece of content you order will be researched, contain SEO components and appeal to the readers­ pushing your product forward.
How To Order?

if you wish to order Queenja’s Smart Content Services you can purchase fast and easy content via Fiverr. If you wish to order her services­ simply click here.
When you order you choose: A 250 word post, a 500 word post or a package deal (6 posts for the price of 5). So if you think your site could use some refreshing content­ give Queenja and Maya a try! You won’t regret it!

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