“Ancient Symbols”, a new UFO documentary from Director Dwayne Buckle

Dwayne Buckle brings you yet another intriguing piece of documentary, titled Ancient Symbols. As the name suggests, the documentary explains the importance of symbols throughout history and explains their evolution and use in our daily lives. From the prominent Yin Yang symbol to the icons and emojis on our screen, symbols are everywhere. According to the documentary, these graphic illustrations bring about subconscious shifts in energy. Therefore, energy, goals, and symbols share a complex, interconnected relationship.

This gripping documentary delves deeper into the meaning of, what are perhaps the most famous symbols in history. What do these ancient symbols signify? Where did they originate? And more importantly, how did they influence humankind in ancient times and the present day?

The documentary answers all these complex questions that we often ponder ourselves.

The cross, for example, has been associated with Christianity for hundreds of years. It signifies the crucifixion of Jesus. However, very few people know that the symbol itself has evolved constantly over the course of history. This movie also explains how the symbol initially came to be associated with religion.

One of the most alluring features of this documentary is the vivid, spot-on images. They are taken from authentic sources and provide you a brief glimpse into the history of these symbols. From the ancient Egyptian relics to the Mesopotamia and Chinese symbols, the relevant images help you conjure strong mental pictures, which serve to retain the information better.

The pace of the documentary is also commendable. It’s neither too slow nor too fast. It serves as an excellent choice for the tons of information presented in this video. This ideal pace ensures that this load of information is presented to the audience in small, easily understood, and digestible pieces. The 7-minute intro at the start is the ideal length to brief you about ancient symbols, intrigue you and hook you into this interesting documentary.

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